Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Mathematical Learning

Children are constantly learning about mathematical ideas as they handle everyday objects and take part in the daily activities of life.

At kindergarten children meet all sorts of maths as they play with certain equipment and in certain areas.Here are some of the maths ideas they are learning and being exposed to on a daily basis:

Puzzles: Matching, fitting things together, space, shape, size, patterns, parts and whole concept, developing strategies to problem solve

Family Corner: sharing(division and fractions), counting, one to one matching, colours, shape, sizes, fitting into spaces, volume, capacity, guesses (estimating quantities, numbers of things), odds of things happening,classifying, sorting, comparing,weight, height, length, time, money

Family Corner/mat-times/most activities: sharing out evenly amongst a group, counting, numeration, values of numbers, constancy of numbers (conservation), comparing amounts/numbers,one to one matching/correspondence

Outside environment (running, climbing, sliding activities): space, height, time, speed, counting, length

Blocks: measuring, size, shape, balance, spacing, counting, classifying/sorting into like groups

Carpentry: measuring, size, shape, fitting things together, comparison of size, one to one matching

Baking: measuring, temperature, following directions, shape, size, spacing, counting, sharing (division/fractions)