Monday, November 17, 2008

Pick up sticks and dominoes

This evening I spent half and hour playing dominoes and pick up sticks with my 5 year old daughter, Bronya. What fun we had! And what a great opportunity for using some of Bronny's mathematical skills and knowledge. Playing dominoes she was able to recognize number patterns, count, compare numbers (using language like same, more, less....and realizing more means I WIN!) and make patterns (its amazing what you can make with dominoes while still sticking to the rules!). The pick up sticks involved making choices, having strategies to solve problems, counting and applying rules related to balance and points of contact (lines, intersections, weight, perspectives). Fascinating watching children apply what they know, listening to their self talk and making assumptions about what we think they are thinking when they are doing rather than saying!

Games offer a wonderful opportunity to teach mathematical skills as these old photos of my children show.


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